

Be TakeOff places a firm focus on quality when selecting software solutions to offer its resellers.

All solutions must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Multitenancy: One for All!
  • Each solution must be capable of hosting multiple resellers, while meeting stringent security criteria, in order to minimise platform maintenance costs and maximise reliability;
  • Online deployment: Availability with no compromises! 
  • A major inconvenience in implementing new solutions is the initial investment required to make them available, and the cost of maintaining them once they're installed. The Cloud and hosted solutions make it much easier for Partners to implement services under time constraints, and to pay lower startup costs;
  • Hybrid Scenarios: Blend your Services!
  • For many people, knowing the physical location of the data or the place where the services are performed is fundamental (suffice to look at GDPR compliance requirements). A solution that gives you the option of distributing the workload and the data between the client's offices (or a partner's datacenter) and the Cloud ensures maximum flexibility, opportunity to oversee matters and compliance with requirements.

From the moment it's selected, each product/solution is subject to a thorough testing phase that lasts 30/60 days.
Tests are carried out both by Be TakeOff’s dedicated in-house department and by a network of trusted partners, and check compliance with the stated functionality and the stability of the system.  

Particular focus is placed on availability and potential integration with third party services using API Rest interfaces.